Peter Parker Meets Miles Morales in SPIDER-MEN Coming in June 2012

Spider-Man Meets Spider-Man In Landmark SPIDER-MENSpider-Men (Marvel)

Peter Parker and Miles Morales Meet For The First Time in June

 Today, after two months of secrecy and teaser images, Marvel released the details of their Spider-Men series by Brian Michael Bendis and Sara Pichelli.

Here are all the details…

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Avengers vs. X-Men Launch Parties on Tuesday April 3rd!

You Cannot Miss The AVENGERS VS X-MEN LAUNCH PARTIESAvengersVSXMen_1_CoverFinal


Press release

Tomorrow, be the first to experience the explosive opener to the year’s most anticipated comic event, Avengers VS. X-Men, at your local comic shop!  That’s right True Believer, tomorrow night at 8PM (local time)*, be the first in line at one of over 1,100+ Avengers VS. X-Men Launch Parties to find out what sends Earth’s Mightiest Heroes to the shores of Utopia for all-out war! It’s the biggest comic event of the century and we want YOU to get in on the excitement.

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